Video: Meet Carol Oliva, Surgical Assistant

Q: How long have you been working at Maxwell Aesthetics?
I’ve been working for Dr. Maxwell for almost 20 years.
Q: What makes Maxwell Aesthetics unique?
What makes it unique is how personable Dr. Maxwell is, how real she is with her patients and how all the employees here can connect with our patients and have a professional attitude and professional performance with kind of a relaxed mannerism, so that they feel like they’re getting good care but they also feel like they’re one of us.
Q: At what stage in the process do you meet patients?
I usually meet patients in the pre-op area at the Surgery Center, and then I do follow them during their recovery.
Q: What is your favorite part of working with patients?
I think seeing how excited they are the morning of surgery. They’ve been all prepped and everything, they know what to expect, and for some of them, they’re on a journey that they have been planning for a long time. It’s something they’ve worked up to, they deserve to have, and they’re doing something for themselves.
The morning of surgery, you can see that they’re not nervous anymore, they’re just excited. You do actually bond with the patients a little bit, you get to spend a lot of time with them in the evening, or if you’re here at night with them, and they connect with you.
Another aspect that I’ve connected with some patients on is that I’ve also been a patient here with Dr. Maxwell. Once they know that you’ve been through the same thing they’re going through, they not only trust you more, they know you can empathize with what they’re really going through. That helps you connect with the patient.