What is Breast Implant Removal?
Breast Augmentation is a procedure women seek to enlarge the size or shape of their breasts. The reversal of this procedure is explantation or implant removal. There can be many reasons for a woman to seek explantation of her implants. These can include hardened or painful implants, rupture of an implant or medical and health issues that develop after implants have been placed. When the implants are removed the scar tissue or capsule surrounding the implant is also removed. After removal, the pressure of the implant on the remaining tissues can sometimes leave depressions of stretched skin with less than ideal cosmetic outcomes. Fat injections can be used to fill out depressions left by the implant and to enhance volume, shape, and size. Breast Lifts or Mastopexy can also help to reshape the remaining breast tissue. Dr. Maxwell will listen to your concerns and provide professional guidance to help in the decision-making process.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?
Most patients who no longer wish to have breast implants are good candidates for removal. This may be because they no longer like the look of their breast implants, their lifestyle no longer suits their breast implants, or they face issues such as capsular contracture or leaks and ruptures. During your consultation, Dr. Maxwell will examine your breasts to make sure that explantation is your best option. She will also review your health history to ensure that surgery is safe for you.
The Breast Implant Removal Procedure
Anesthesia and Sedation
Breast implant removal surgery is performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation.
Incision Placement
The incisions made are similar to those made during a breast augmentation or breast lift and are placed along the breast crease and in some cases vertically from the areola to the crease.
Implant and Scar Tissue Removal
Once incisions are made, Dr. Maxwell will remove the old implants and any hardened scar tissue. In some cases, this will result in a lack of volume or depressions in the breast where the implant and scar tissues once were.
Fat Transfer and Consultation
For patients experiencing volume loss or depressions, fat transfer can be beneficial to create a natural, proportionate, and fuller breast. During a consultation, Dr. Maxwell will explain the details of your specific breast implant removal procedure and what you can expect.

Recovery and Results After Breast Implant Removal
Recovery after breast implant removal is similar to your initial breast augmentation. You can expect to wear a lightweight, supportive surgical bra to help reduce discomfort as you heal. Dr. Maxwell can also prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable through the healing process. Drains may be in place to reduce excess fluids if necessary. Typically, breast implant removal patients will require one to two weeks of downtime to rest before they return to work or other normal routines. You should also wait about four to six weeks before lifting heavy objects or performing strenuous activities like your exercise routine. Dr. Maxwell will monitor your healing during post-operative appointments and let you know when you have healed sufficiently to return to all of your normal activities.
Schedule a Consultation
To learn more about breast implant removal, schedule a consultation with Dr. Maxwell. Contact Maxwell Aesthetics in Tucson by calling (520) 462-9529 or completing our online form.